Friday, February 28, 2014

Read...? Or walk away...?

Let me lay out a little scenario for you. You're in a beautiful coffee shop, casually people watching out the window, sipping a caramel macchiato, probably daydreaming a little bit (are you picturing it?), when a stranger walks up to you.

"Excuse me, are you ____________ (insert your name here)?"
You nod, a little confused, and ask how you can help them.
The stranger lays an ancient, beautiful, leather bound book on the table. The title is your name.
"This book is the story of your life. You are welcome to read it if you wish. The only requirement is that if you choose to open it, you must read it from cover to cover. You may not change your mind and stop reading."
MJ...this is your life...

What do you do? 
How do you respond?
Do you take time to think about it?
Do you dive right in, wanting to know everything as quickly as possible, or do you pause?

For me.....I think it would be temping. Who doesn't want to know what our lives have in store for us? What choices we will make, how things will turn out, what the outcome of situations that have been plaguing us will be...
I would have to politely decline. I'm certain that it would be hard, but I would have to take my coffee and walk away.
 I can't imagine all the surprise taken out of my life. The beautiful amazing-ness that I get to revel in each day while looking at my children imagining their future. The promises that I lean on that God has plans for me and for my family that He has yet to reveal. It would be almost painful, I think, to take that away from myself. To rob myself of that for my curiosity's sake.

What about you? What would you choose? 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Coffee trumps guilt.

Today started off just like any other day.. woke up, got the kiddos up for school, tickled them mercilessly until they actually got out of bed... got back into my own bed, scrolled through facebook for a half hour and then got my rear into the shower.
Goooooooood Morning my baby squirrels!

Then the unthinkable.
I dropped my coffee mug. With the last of the creamer in it. I swear I didn't even feel it leave my fingers! I did the dramatic "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!" and tried desperately to catch it.
I was down a beloved mug, out of creamer, and had to scrub my floor.
So, I went to the store to get more creamer (snow storm? Right...because *that* matters!), and I took a quick swing by my local thrift store. I went in to pick up a sweatshirt that *wasn't* my husbands, because I desperately needed one! I paid with change from my owl piggy bank, and while I'm talking to the cashier (we may or may not be on a first name basis.)
You can call me MJ for short ;)

I noticed that she had this mug.
WHOOOO loves their owl coffee mug? MJ does!!

She collects owl stuff as much as I do, and got this as a Christmas gift! (yes...I know...don't judge!)
I totally talked up some owl stuffs that I had that were stored away because I literally have no more room (Although I do switch stuff out, so I get to look at new stuff all the time!), and then walked out the door with this teaser:

"I'll trade you owl stuffs for the mug! I'll be back tomorrow after you have some time to think about it!"

I dashed home, found the stuff, ran back, and presented her with said stuffs. She was very excited, but was reluctant to trade due to the mug being dirty..
I laughed and laughed and laughed...

And walked away with the mug.

Yup. Totally scored. The guilt I feel about taking a cashiers owl mug? Drowning it in coffee.