Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bleh.'re probably wondering what took this blog so long and how come I haven't come up with something amazing.
I signed up for this incredible deal! I went to Artscow to order a custom mouse pad that I had spent an hour creating the photo for. When I pressed the "proceed to checkout" button, it said that I was getting it for free! WOOHOO! And there was a TON (like 50 more items) more stuff that I could get for free! I was ALL over it!

I made messenger bags and cosmetic bags with MNAL's logo and website on it,

I made a backpack with this beaut on it,

I made cosmetic bags for my friends over at Faith & Works Family, Just a Minute My Cape Is In The Dryer, Juicebox Confession, and Outmanned. (These are four of my best friends in the world, check them out.)

I made 8 mouse pads with my group of friends faces schmeared all over them (which I wont show you because of privacy and all that...)

I made tote bags...

It was all in the free categories! I was rockin it!

I proceeded to checkout.

Subtotal was $120. All for shipping.

Ok....that backpack and messenger bag...maybe.. I took those off.

$110. WHAT??! For cosmetic bags??


I ended up getting frustrated and mad and deleting everything.

So, that's why I don't have a really incredible blog to share with you. Because of the cost of shipping.
I'm going to sit and glare at my computer for awhile....


  1. I hate it when they offer things for free but have huge S&H charges. I have no prob paying $5/10/20 for shipping (depending on the size of the package) but unless shipping is personal deliver by a Chippendale Model then $120 is ridiculous!

    1. LOL! Yes! *cough* Granted...I had 20 items....but a mouse pad weighs like...a gram. and a cosmetic bag? Less then a mouse pad maybe?
      Thanks for reading!!!

  2. Well, the shipping cost of a wonderful thought is free. Mwah!

  3. That happened to me once with "FREE" shipping! I got my checking account statement and on there was a debit transaction for $39.95 to free shipping! I complained to the company and they refunded me the amount back into my checking account.

    1. Good job checking your statements!!
      Thanks for reading!

  4. That happened to me once with "FREE" shipping! I got my checking account statement and on there was a debit transaction for $39.95 to free shipping! I complained to the company and they refunded me the amount back into my checking account.

  5. I love that you thought of us! Damn shipping. Clearly they were overcharging to make up their loss with the "free" merch.

    You are the best. XOXO

  6. Awe! That stinks! What a tricky thing for them to do! Free is suppose to be free. Sadly there is usually a catch. I once felt had when entertaining the idea that I had won a FREE all expense paid cruz trip. Lies! They are all lies :(

    1. Right? They would have had my business for YEARS!!
      Thanks for visiting Rachel ;)
